Chihuahua, Mexico is the capital of the state in Mexico with the same name. An ancient city with Tarahumara Indian roots, the city of Chihuahua was officially founded in 1709 by Antonio Deza y Ulloa, and thus was first called “San Felipe de Real.” Strategically located on a trade route which followed the Rio Grande to Santa Fe, bringing European and Mexican goods via caravans, Chihuahua features a colorful history spanning several centuries and enduring both Spanish and French conflict. Between 1910 – 1917 the famous Mexican revolutionary, Pancho Villa, made Chihuahua his base of operations. Since that time the city has developed strong ties to the United States, growing in manufacturing and agriculture. Chihuahua City is the capital of the northwestern Mexican state of Chihuahua. It’s known for the Spanish Baroque Cathedral de Chihuahua and the 18th-century Palacio de Gobierno, a government building where massive murals depict major Mexican historical events. The city is also home to the eastern terminus of the Chepe railroad, which runs through the green-tinged gorges of the Copper Canyon area. Among cities in Mexico, the city of Chihuahua is highly ranked in human and social development. According to the UNCP report on human development, Chihuahua municipality’s HDI is 0.840 as of 2015 – this is equal or higher than some Western European countries, with the literacy rate in the city among the highest in the country at 99%. Another report about competitiveness from the CIDE organization ranks Chihuahua as the second most competitive city in the country just behind Monterrey and ahead of Mexico City. This report also ranks Chihuahua as the most Socially Competitive city in the country.
Chihuahua became a Sister City to Albuquerque in 1970 with ceremonies in Chihuahua. Since that time the two cities have enjoyed many exchanges in both business, education, and cultural areas. Both cities have some of the oldest architecture in their respective countries. Chihuahua’s ancient cathedral predates any in the United States. Chihuahua’s culture reflects a rich tapestry of both Spanish and Indian influence. More recently, Chihuahua has begun to mirror its sister city to the immediate north by establishing an annual balloon festival with several balloonists from Albuquerque taking part each year. SOURCE
It's official: September 29, 2024 is Alma Solis Day in the City of Albuquerque!
Special thanks to former Chair Alma Solis, who faithfully served as Chair of the Chihuahua Committee up to September 29, 2024, a day officially declared by Albuquerque Mayor Timothy Keller as “Alma Solis Day.” Click here to see proclamation.
Chihuahua Chair
Alburquerque Co-Chair
Aimeé González Estrada
City Coat of Arms

Distance to ABQ
10,414 km
812 mi
1,460,148 (2015)
151 (km²)
58 (mi²)
Chihuahua, Mexico
Chihuahua, Mexico